LIFETIME® Chicken & Oatmeal Recipe All Life Stages dog food is a single meat protein diet providing a complete and balanced diet for your dog, from puppy to adult, using high quality ingredients with no corn, wheat, soy or by-products.
Single meat protein - Canadian chicken meal is a concentrated source of highly digestible protein and fat.
Digestive support - High quality chicken protein, wholesome grains (oatmeal and barley), and prebiotics (mannanoligosaccharides sourced from yeast extract and fructooligosaccharides sourced from chicory root) help promote optimal digestion.
Skin and coat - Flaxseed, herring oil, chelated minerals (copper, iron, and zinc) support healthy skin condition and a glossy, soft coat.
Own certified facility – GFSI & USDA certified, located in St Marys, Ontario, Canada.